Brad-rohrschach in Brad Downey - VANITY



ist ein Hybrid aus Sammelwerk und Künstlerbuch des Künstlers Brad Downey. Er hat unzählige Kollegen unterschiedlichster Couleur dazu eingeladen ein Porträt von ihm selbst zu schaffen. Das Resultat ist ein bunter und facettenreicher ‚Bild’band, welcher weit über die klassische Auffassung von Porträt hinausragt.

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140 x 225 mm
150 pages
Cover : Paperback, color, glossy finish
Binding : glue bound
Interior : black-and-white
Edition of 250 books

In an artistic field that values pseudonyms and being incognito, for this one artist, it is always very clear that « Brad Downey was here ».
As a comment on this aspect of his artistic practice, Downey has canvassed numerous fellow artists to create portraits of his self . These he has collected for this book, and they come from a wide spectrum of art practitioners, including sculptors, painters, authors, filmmakers, curators, graffiti artists and musicians. Other sources for portraits are even more eccentric. Together the works herein illuminate many aspects of a necessarily discreet artist, and push the boundaries of how we define what it is to be a portrait. -Matthew Murphy
the final register below.

Charlie Ahearn, pg. 72
Akay, pg. 38
Akim, pg. 114
Asbestos, pg. 47
Athier, pg 123
Sir. Peter Blake, pg. 33
Boxi, pg. 15
Thomas Bratzke, pg. 14
Stefan Bresinski (book),
Nicholas Brown, pg. 28
CHAOS, pg. 132
Dave The Chimp, pg. 37
David Choe, pg. 138-139
Commonwealth of Kentucky, pg. 71
Chris Cornish, pg. 34
John Cunningham, pg. 46
Daniel Danger, pg. 80, 84
Tahu Deans, pg. 107
Brad Downey, pg. 87, 138
Louise Drubigny, pg. 134
Christian Eisenberger, front cover,
back cover, pg. 124-125, 133
Eric Elms, pg. 39
Yara El-Sherbini, pg. 26
Julien Fargetton, pg. 43
Alexandre Farto a.k.a. Vhils, pg. 118
Jacques Floret, pg. 112
Flying Fortress, pg. 31
Robert Greenwood, pg. 41
Know Hope, pg. 44
Bill Hayden, pg. 78
Logan Hicks, pg. 22
Honet, pg, 31
Horfe, pg. 30
Barnaby Hosking, pg. 95
Hush, pg. 75
Mr Ix, pg. 36
Mark Jenkins, pg. 17
Jesus (Unknown), pg. 35
Kevin Kemter, pg. 83
Leopold Kessler, pg. 23
Kid pele, pg. 38
Know Hope, pg. 40
Jeff Koons, pg. 73
Katharina Kulenkampff, pg. 94
Jan Leguay, pg. 18-19
Steven Lowery, pg. 140-141
Basim Magdy, pg. 23
Vincent Maigler, pg. 145
Daniel Man, pg. 56-69
Mare 139, pg. 52
Bruce McLean, pg. 32
Tara McPherson, pg. 136-137
Mietze & Frönd, pg. 91
Alison Moffett, pg. 20
MTO, pg. 87
Jo Muir, pg. 103
Matthew Murphy, pg. 108
Christian Nilsen, pg. 110
NUG, pg. 27
O’Clock, pg. 50-51
OX, pg. 111
Daniel Paulette, pg. 48-49
Stefano Pedrini, pg. 76, 81, 121
Raymond Pettibon, pg. 104
Michalis Pichler, pg. 128-129
Leon Reid a.k.a Darius Jones, pg. 77
Peter Reiling, pg. 100-101
Colleen Rochette, pg. 106
Brian Ross, pg. 97
Evan Roth, (Graffiti Research Lab),
pg. 16, pg. 96
Ruskig, pg. 88
Sam3, pg. 116-117
Ariel Schlesinger, pg. 79
Christoph Schlingensief, pg. 131
Tod Seelie, pg. 98
Serge Siedlitz, pg. 24
Alex Smith, pg. 29
Snøhetta, pg. 41
SOE, pg. 53
Thomas Sorgaard, pg. 82
Polina Soloveichik, pg. 105
R. W. O. Stone, pg. 142-143
Zachary Stout, pg. 86
Studio Cromie, pg. 42
Swoon, pg. 89, 126
Chuck Teal, pg. 122
Jennifer Thatcher, pg. 54-55
The London Police, pg. 113
FEFE Talavera, pg. 25
Erik Tidemann, pg. 109, 144
Julia Tingulstad, pg. 130
Stine Tranekjær, pg. 44
Lisa Troppa, pg. 21, 102, 135
Phoebe Unwin, pg. 115
Eva Urthaler, pg. 92-93
Viktor Vauthier, pg. 85
Terry Vreeburg, pg. 74
Monika Vykoukal, pg. 6-13
The Wa, pg. 120
Lawrence Weiner, pg. 70
Wheeler High School, pg. 5
Ronald Wimberly, pg. 90
Ben Wolf, pg. 119
Word To Mother, pg. 127
Ed Zipco, pg. 99
additional undocumented contributions
lost by Brad Downey on the ICE train from Vienna to
Berlin 2010. ( Thomas Palme, Christian
Eisenberger, Nobuhiro Ishihara, and
Martin Kastner)

Courtesy Brad Downey, Berlin